Live Well Newsletter | June 2023

World Environment Day

World Environment Day is June 5. This global campaign serves as a reminder that plastic pollution continues to threaten ecosystems worldwide. This year’s theme is #BeatPlasticPollution, which encourages individuals and organizations to take the necessary steps to reduce plastic pollution. Read on to learn how to reduce plastic waste in your daily life.

Tips for Reduce Plastic Waste

Use the following tips to reduce your plastic waste:

  • Make your own coffee at home or bring a reusable cup to coffee shops.

  • Use a reusable water bottle.

  • Avoid using plastic cutlery.

  • Stop using disposable straws.

  • Bring your own reuseable bags for shopping trips.

  • Use reuseable food containers instead of one-use baggies, pastic wrap or aluminum foil.

Everyone can help reduce plastic pollution by cutting out everyday plastic use wherever possible.

Healthy Use of Social Media

Social media has become a normal part of many people’s everyday lives. While it can be entertaining, it’s important to maintain a healthy relationship with social media. In fact, many people even consider themselves addicted to social media.

The following are habits that encourage healthy use of social media:

  • View posts as inspiration instead of comparison.

  • Set daily limits for how long you use each app daily.

  • Think before you post.

  • Avoid looking at social media right before you go to bed.

  • Stay off social media when you are spending time with family and friends.

Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month

June is Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month. This month-long campaign aims to raise awareness for these conditions and support those living with them. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, there are more than 55 million people worldwide living with Alzheimer’s or another dementia. People are encouraged to share their stories related to Alzheimer’s by using the hashtag #ENDALZ in their social media posts during the month of June.

Reduce Your Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease

According to the National Institute of Aging, a family history of Alzheimer’s doesn’t mean you will have it, but it may mean you are more likely to develop it.

Consider the following tips to reduce your risk of developing Alzheimer’s Disease:

  • Prevent and manage high blood pressure.

  • Maintain a healthy, balanced diet.

  • Exercise regularly.

  • Avoid smoking and excessive drinking.

  • Get an adquate amount of sleep.

  • Exercise your brain.

  • Prevent head trauma by wearing a helmet when applicable.

  • Stay socially active.

  • Meet with your primary physician annually.

Visit to learn more about Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia.

Exercise Your Brain

Use the following methods to exercise your brain and keep it active:

  • Exercise your body.

  • Challenge your brain daily (e.g., work on a crossword puzzle or read).

  • Eat healthy.

  • Get plenty of sleep.

  • Reduce stress.

  • Listen to music.

  • Quit smoking and refrain from illegal drug use.

This newsletter is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical purposes. © 2023 Zywave, Inc. All rights reserved.


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