Whether you’re a business owner, an HR manager, or covering multiple job roles, educating employees on their benefits can be time-consuming and confusing! If you’re feeling frustrated…your employees probably are too. Holly can help.


Once a month, plan members will receive a text or email with a video link from Holly.

Each video is less than 2 minutes long and will cover insurance terms, carrier programs, preventative care, wellness, and other related topics.

Computer screen reading: "Overdue for this potentially life-saving screening? Find an in-network provider. Get started."

Content lists are curated by your benefits broker and Holly team in order to have the greatest impact on plan utilization.

Changes can be made throughout the year to respond to plan member data.

Computer screen showing the customized Holly portal for employers HR teams

Incentivize your plan members to watch Holly with things like HSA deposits, premium discounts, or raffles. Employers who add incentives typically see better viewership numbers.

A “call to action” can be added to the end of each video to drive plan members to a particular website, app, document, etc.

Chart going up and making a list

You can log in to your custom Holly portal at any time to see details on who’s watching
…and who’s not.

Incentive gift prize raffle better performance results viewership numbers


Most health plans cover some level of preventative care, yet we still don’t schedule those annual checkups. Throughout the plan year, Holly can effectively prod members to take suggested preventative care steps because proactive is better than reactive.


Poor lifestyle choices, including inadequate physical activity, unhealthy diets, smoking, and lack of sleep, contribute significantly to healthcare spend. Holly can offer plan members helpful tips to adopt healthier habits that promote better long-term physical and mental health.


Copay? Deductible? HSA? They’re words we all know but may not understand. When employees have a better understanding of their insurance, they can make smart choices that help them (and you) save money.


The money we pay for insurance covers a lot of things, including special programs or apps offered by insurance carriers, Rx programs, and numerous other resources. Holly can educate your plan members on the tools available to them, so they can make better decisions and make the most of the money they’re already paying.

[ Help your employees make the most of their benefits. ]

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