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Risk Management, Workplace Safety Megan Henderson Risk Management, Workplace Safety Megan Henderson

Construction Risk Advisor | December 2022

Severe weather conditions can be detrimental to job sites, placing additional strain on construction employers. While there’s no way to completely safeguard worksites from the elements, there are measures that can be taken to reduce the risks posed by extreme weather events. Such weather can come in many forms, each of which require their own preparations in order to protect job sites.

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Risk Management Megan Henderson Risk Management Megan Henderson

Construction Risk Advisor | November 2022

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a poisonous gas that lacks a detectable color, taste or odor. Breathing in this invisible gas can displace the oxygen in a person’s blood, as well as deprive their vital organs of oxygen. In large amounts, CO can affect an exposed individual within minutes, ultimately causing them to lose consciousness and suffocate.

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Risk Management, Workplace Safety Megan Henderson Risk Management, Workplace Safety Megan Henderson

Safety Focus | September 2022

While repetitive motion injuries (RMIs) are common among athletes, these injuries can occur in the workplace. Also known as repetitive stress injuries or cumulative trauma disorders, RMIs impact a broad range of occupations, including jobs that require heavy lifting and stationary office roles. RMIs occur when continuous physical stress from daily tasks damages nerves, tendons or muscles quicker than the body can heal from such stress.

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Risk Management Megan Henderson Risk Management Megan Henderson

Age Discrimination in the Workplace

Age discrimination, or ageism, in the workplace involves treating an applicant or employee unfavorably because of their age. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) forbids age discrimination against people aged 40 or older in all aspects of employment, including hiring, firing, pay, job assignments, promotions, layoffs, training and benefits.

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Risk Management Megan Henderson Risk Management Megan Henderson

Construction Risk Advisor | April 2022

Throughout the past year, material prices across the construction sector have soared, negatively impacting both contractors and their clients. These rising costs have resulted from a combination of continued supply chain shortages and surging demand amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

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Risk Management, Workplace Safety Megan Henderson Risk Management, Workplace Safety Megan Henderson

Safety Focus | August 2021

A pinch point is an area on a machine or piece of equipment in which a person or a part of their body is at risk of getting caught. According to Occupational Safety and Health Administration Standard 1910.211, a pinch point can be any area (aside from the point of operation) where it is possible for a part of the body to be caught between moving components of equipment—such as the moving parts of a press of auxiliary equipment, between moving and stationary parts of auxiliary equipment, or between the material and moving part(s) of the press or auxiliary equipment.

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