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Employee Benefits Megan Henderson Employee Benefits Megan Henderson

Attracting Employees for On-site Positions

Of 1,000 company decision-makers surveyed by Resume Builder, about 90% plan to implement return-to-work policies by 2024. Although there are numerous benefits to having employees work in person, such as improved company culture and increased opportunities for collaboration and relationship development, pressuring employees to return to in-office work can increase turnover issues and harm recruitment efforts.

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Employee Benefits Megan Henderson Employee Benefits Megan Henderson

How Employers Can Manage Talent Debt

The war for talent has been putting stress on many organizations. As employers continue to struggle to retain workers, they must simultaneously deal with talent shortages. As workers resign, there seems to be a lack of qualified candidates to fill open roles. Compounding employers’ labor struggles is the fact that many workers are currently disengaged. According to a 2022 Gallop report, the current level of disengaged workers is the highest in over 10 years.

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Employee Benefits Megan Henderson Employee Benefits Megan Henderson

Helping Employees Feel Heard

Employees who feel disregarded by their organization are more likely to get frustrated, feel burnt out and quit. Forbes listed being unheard by supervisors and feeling “overlooked or ignored” as two of the top ten reasons employees leave their jobs. This can devastate employee retention rates, increasing hiring costs and making it challenging for employers to keep talented workers.

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Employee Benefits Megan Henderson Employee Benefits Megan Henderson

Using Mentorship to Bolster Employee Retention

Employees are one of an organization’s most valuable assets, but the majority of workers who are looking to grow search for new opportunities outside of their current companies. According to a recent study by the University of Phoenix, more than half of surveyed employees were looking for a new job or expected to be looking for a new job in the next six months. Insufficient growth opportunities and inadequate support were listed as two of the most common reasons employees were searching for new jobs.

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Employee Benefits Megan Henderson Employee Benefits Megan Henderson

Building an Employee Value Proposition to Attract and Retain Employees

An employee value proposition (EVP) is the unique set of benefits employees receive in return for the skills, capabilities and experiences they bring to an organization. While an EVP includes common factors such as compensation, benefits and career opportunities, it also expands to all the value an employee can receive in exchange for their work.

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