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Cyber, Risk Management Megan Henderson Cyber, Risk Management Megan Henderson

Median Ransom Payment Drops 51% in Second Quarter

Fewer ransomware victims paid to retrieve access to their systems, and the median ransom payment dropped 51% in the second quarter of 2022, according to a recent report from Coveware. Though the median payment dropped to $36,360, the average ransom payment increased 8% to $228,125, boosted by a few outliers. However, the improvement in the median payment reflected threat actors’ shifts toward less risky, lower-profile targets, and the average remains below a fourth quarter 2021 high of over $300,000.

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Cyber, Risk Management Megan Henderson Cyber, Risk Management Megan Henderson

CISA’s Known Exploited Vulnerability Catalog Explained

The Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) maintains the Known Exploited Vulnerability (KEV) catalog to help organizations better manage and mitigate cybersecurity vulnerabilities. The agency encourages organizations to utilize the KEV catalog—the authoritative list of vulnerabilities that have been exploited—to keep pace with threat activity and remediate the listed vulnerabilities to reduce the likelihood of compromise by known threat actors.

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Cyber, Risk Management Megan Henderson Cyber, Risk Management Megan Henderson

Cyberespionage Explained

Cyberespionage is a type of cyberattack that involves an unauthorized user (or multiple users) accessing a victim’s sensitive information in order to secure economic benefits, competitive advantages or political gain. Also known as cyberspying, the primary targets of such cyberattacks include government entities, large corporations and other competitive organizations.

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Cyber, Risk Management Megan Henderson Cyber, Risk Management Megan Henderson

Jackware Cyberattacks Explained

Ransomware incidents entail cybercriminals compromising their victims’ computers or servers with malware and demanding large payments in order to restore the technology (as well as any files or data stored on it). They have often been considered one of the most damaging cyberattack methods.

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Cyber, Risk Management Megan Henderson Cyber, Risk Management Megan Henderson

Credential Stuffing Cyberattacks Explained

Credential stuffing incidents entail cybercriminals leveraging stolen usernames and passwords in attempts to gain access to additional accounts and systems. For example, a cybercriminal may obtain a target’s username and password for a social media account and use those same login credentials to try and access the victim’s other systems (e.g., email accounts, banking applications or workplace networks).

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Cyber, Risk Management Megan Henderson Cyber, Risk Management Megan Henderson

Cyber Hygiene Best Practices

As cyberattacks become more frequent and severe it is increasingly important for organizations to practice good cyber hygiene to minimize their exposure to risk. Cyber hygiene refers to habitual practices ensuring critical data and connected devices are handled safely.

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Cyber, Risk Management Megan Henderson Cyber, Risk Management Megan Henderson

Watch for These 6 Phishing Scams

Phishing is a type of cyberfraud that utilizes deceptive emails or other electronic communication to manipulate recipients into sharing sensitive information, clicking on malicious links or opening harmful attachments. While emails are the most common delivery method of phishing attempts, cybercriminals may also use text messages, social media messages, fake or misleading websites, voicemails or even live phone calls.

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Cyber, Risk Management Megan Henderson Cyber, Risk Management Megan Henderson

Smishing Explained

Most businesses and individuals are familiar with phishing, a cyberattack technique that entails cybercriminals leveraging fraudulent emails to manipulate recipients into sharing sensitive information, clicking malicious links or opening harmful attachments. While these email-based scams remain a pressing concern, a new form of phishing—known as smishing—has emerged over the years, creating additional cyber exposures for businesses and individuals alike.

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Cyber, Risk Management Megan Henderson Cyber, Risk Management Megan Henderson

Commercial Risk Advisor | December 2021

Though most companies canceled annual holiday parties in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, many have decided to move forward with festivities in 2021. While these events are meant to foster organizational camaraderie and celebrate company achievements of the past year, employers may be held liable for any property damage, accidents or injuries caused by employees.

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Cyber, Risk Management Megan Henderson Cyber, Risk Management Megan Henderson

Business Email Compromise Losses Increase 58%

Business email compromise (BEC) losses are among the most expensive types of social engineering losses, and they are on the rise—increasing 58% from 2015 to 2019, according to Advisen loss data. The median cost of a BEC loss is $764,000—significantly more expensive than other social engineering losses, which average around $580,000, according to Advisen loss data.

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